Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Open Sesame!

I always find awesome
Parking spaces in Los Angeles
And because I'm into the
Manifestation stuff
It struck me that I
Could accomplish the same
At the grocery store...
Always find an open register

Monday, June 16, 2014

$10 Life Lesson

Last Friday I spent $10 on a
Life Lesson

Let me explain why…

I’m starting a new project
And I’m having a sample made
The sample-maker is at

I visited her once
Already and she validated
My parking which should
Have been $10

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Oh wretched lethargy!
How I loathe you so

Is it something in the air?
Something in the water?
Something in the food?
The alignment of the planets?

A severe case of the
Has taken possession of my body
For the past two weeks

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Confucius... I mean Confusion

Metaphysics, spirituality
Mysticism, and psychology
All somehow mesh and
Reconciling the four
Can be a bit confusing

Here are some statements I've spotted:

"You’re not your thoughts" - Eckhart Tolle
"Question your thoughts" - Byron Katie
"Change your thoughts" - Wayne Dyer
"It's not what you think it's what you feel" - Abraham Hicks

There's also:

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Befriending Myself

How many of us have them?
Ones we can depend on…

Growing up I begged for
Now that I’m older…
I run away from

It has taken a while for me
To muster the courage
To choose solitude
Over being