Saturday, March 1, 2014

Ace Gallery - Gary Lang

The Ace Gallery in Beverly Hills is my favorite art gallery in Los Angeles

Mostly because of the huge space and the large scale art it permits

On Thursday night I went to the opening reception (Read: Free booze) of

Being an amateur at this art thing, at first sight I thought the art was
Too psychedelic and obvious

 Seeing it in person was a very different experience

I think the most interesting part was trying to determine
What set of lines and colors I fit in
Or to put it differently
What dimension suit my perception of space the most

The selection of color, contrast, placement, and line width
Created a different feeling of space and
It was enjoyable to experience the variations

On the second floor of the gallery there are some pieces left by
Her opening reception at Ace Gallery was in 2012
(Which I attended as well)

I like her work because of details like the chipped nail

You can see the rest of this drawing by clicking right here

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